The pools have finally opened for the summer and when summer comes you can always find me at a pool- trying to work on that tan that only lasts 3 months. In Colorado, the sun is more radiant and the air is dry, so you have to plan accordingly when you go to the pool. When I was in college, I was lucky enough to have a pool at my apartment, but in Colorado my lucky ran out. Now, I'm slightly using my friends for their pool (we were friends before I knew they had a pool, so it's ok). Every girl has essentials that they always pack when going to the pool. For a person, with fair-medium skin color, prone to at least getting one big burn during the summer, here are my pool essentials.
Baseball hat: I always pack a baseball hat just in case my face starts getting red. Of course, I want some sun at first, but because of my rosacea my face can get pretty red real quick.
Cover up: Just incase I start getting red I have a cover up that I usually wear to the pool. Better to be prepared than to burn.
Face Sunscreen: Most people hate putting sunscreen on their face because it makes their face break out. I'm one of those people. I would rather wear a hat than put sunscreen on my face, until I found a face sunscreen that changed that. It's SPF 30 and definitely last awhile, but you always have to reapply. Better yet, I don't have to worry about breakouts, which was the most important aspect for me.
SPF 30 and SPF 15 Australian Bronzer Sunscreen: As I gradually get darker, I start lowering my SPF. I start on SPF 30 and by July I use SPF 15. I specifically use a bronzer sunscreen because I want some color! 3 months is all I have to get some color people.
Chapstick: I'm that girl that still asks Mom for chapstick if I'm with her. Once living on my own that had to change that habit. I now always have chapstick in every purse, but lip protection from the sun is important. My chapstick for the pool always has SPF in it and it never leaves my bag.
A good book: My goal is to read more books in general. I always take the latest book that I'm reading to the pool. It's where I can actually finish a book without distractions.
Headphones: I try not to listen to music when I'm at the pool (so I will actually read), but I always pack them just in case or possibly a speaker.
Beach towel: Duh, an important essentials for pool days. Need to layout on something soft.
Now, I'm interested to hear what your pool bag essentials are. Make sure to comment below with your essentials and thoughts on summer pool days.